The answer is simple, really. People are dumb. That's our motto. And we found that it has helped us understand anything and everything about the sometimes strange people of this world who do stuff like this. It also takes the stress and funk out of life that result from attempting to make sense out of what the citizens of the world do with their time. And money. Anways, dumb people like bozo here are out there putting ridiculous things in their bodies, or not putting enough important things in them. Dumb.
Look, here's the deal. Here's our "secret" to being "healthy" and stayling "alive."
Carbs are good. You need them to live.
Also calories. Your body uses those to make your heart pump and your eyes blink.
Fat? That also keeps you from dying. It's only in excess that they're bad.
And use some sense. And have some dark chocolate. It's got antioxidants.
That's it. That's the namamurgs lifestyle diet in a nutshell. Follow it, and like us, you'll live to be a bitter, crochety 100 year-old hag. And we'll be there to blog for you.
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