Crap, no, wait! So sorry! That is totally the wrong picture. We're talking about this gentleman:
Mmm...George Clooney. Do yourselves a favor and take a moment to bask in His Georgeness.
This is a guy who managed to be dashing even while sleeping with a potbellied pig (R.I.P. Max). He's also charming as heck, but that's a quality for another blog. The point is, we're sorry for excluding him from the list. So sorry, that we included two loverly portraits of him. Seriously, look at him! So dashing. How could we leave him off our list?! It's obvious why the Fug girls picked him up as their intern and not us. Jealous! And we have no Geroge to console us & rub our feet in our time of need. dashing.
And speaking of George, Murgs is going to the Ocean's Four Hundred Million Six Hundred and Forty Three Thousand Five Hundred and Twelve premiere in Chicago tonight and she's hoping beyond hope that maybe (perhaps by using the principles of The Secret) Mr. Clooney will somehow see this flattering blog and be compelled to seek her out for a quick snuggle. Positive thinking, people! If Oprah shills for it, it must be true!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
A Correction/Retraction/What Have We Done?!
In a previous post, we made the claim that there had been no dashing men out of America in fifty years. We regret to admit that this is patently false. In our drooling, Anglophile hysteria, we completely forgot about the most dashing man in America and one of the most dashing men in the world. That's right we're talking about this guy:
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H. O. T. T. Hot! Hot! Hot!
That's All (:
First of all, I'm slightly bummed to not see Jason Bateman on guys who are hot list. Secondly, what the hell happened here? Did you guys get lazy?
Thirdly, why the hell would I commentate on a twister game?
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