We like men. Men sometimes like us. What do we love in a man, you might ask? Several qualities of attractiveness, of course, but what's that one characteristic that any man could sweep us off our feet with if just exhibited in the slightest amount? It's an elusive quality, comprised of dignity, poise, class, good looks and sauvitude. It's
dashing-ness, the quality of
being dashing. It's Cary Grant, Paul Newman, William Holden. It's a handsome man in a well cut suit. It's what makes you drool into your bowl of popcorn on a Saturday night while watching
Pride & Prejudice, AMC, or any other features with these men of quality, these
dashing fellows. Unforunately, there are very few who exemplify it these days. Here are some that do:
James Hugh Callum Laurie: That's right, Dr. House has four, count 'em four names. That ups his dashing quotient at least 400 points. As if he needed it. With one name or ten, this talented, educated, witty, tall, gorgeous, blue-eyed...sorry, lost our train of thought. Just look at the picture!

Colin Firth: This guy is so dashing they got him to play
the most dashing character in the history of literature - Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Thank you Jane Austen, and thank you, Colin Firth's parents' genes.

Clive Owen: We're still pissed this guy didn't play James Bond, the second most dashing character in the history of literature. In fact the reason Daniel Craig didn't make this list is that, as hot as he may be, he's too primal to be dashing. A dashing man is a refined man, and Clive Owen is a refined man...and well defined
(wink, wink). 
And it's not just men who can be dashing either. Here are some ladies with grace, strength, and elegance who also qualify:
Cate Blanchett: Even with pointy ears, this lady is gorgeous and refined. It's no coincidence that she's played the pinnacle of all dashing ladies past and present: Ms. Katharine Hepburn.

Kate Winslet: A woman who time and again proves that you don't have to be coatrack thin to be graceful and elegant. She's insanely talented, well-spoken, and always looks smashing wherever she appears and whatever she appears in. We want to
be this woman.

Helen Mirren: Beautiful, sexy, and more vital the older she gets, this chick has it all. She's a versatile, brilliant actress, and we aspire to her vivaciousness.

Noticing a pattern here? All of these people
(with the exception of Ms. Blanchett) are British
(Cate's Australian). Whither the dashing Americans? We haven't had a dashing male or female come out of this country in at least fifty years. It's time we changed that. America, it's on you. Do yourself a favor, rent a movie with any of these outstanding actors or actresses, and take notes. And drool a little, too. We know you can't help it. So if you choose to be anything today, be more dashing! More charming! More bold!
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