Crap, no, wait! So sorry! That is totally the wrong picture. We're talking about this gentleman:
Mmm...George Clooney. Do yourselves a favor and take a moment to bask in His Georgeness.
This is a guy who managed to be dashing even while sleeping with a potbellied pig (R.I.P. Max). He's also charming as heck, but that's a quality for another blog. The point is, we're sorry for excluding him from the list. So sorry, that we included two loverly portraits of him. Seriously, look at him! So dashing. How could we leave him off our list?! It's obvious why the Fug girls picked him up as their intern and not us. Jealous! And we have no Geroge to console us & rub our feet in our time of need. dashing.
And speaking of George, Murgs is going to the Ocean's Four Hundred Million Six Hundred and Forty Three Thousand Five Hundred and Twelve premiere in Chicago tonight and she's hoping beyond hope that maybe (perhaps by using the principles of The Secret) Mr. Clooney will somehow see this flattering blog and be compelled to seek her out for a quick snuggle. Positive thinking, people! If Oprah shills for it, it must be true!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
A Correction/Retraction/What Have We Done?!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Anyone in Need of a Kick to the Pants?
Utah Weather: Seriously, man. It's June. It was 88 degrees yesterday. That means I shouldn't have to wear a jacket to work today & that it shouldn't be snowing in the mountains. It's been in the 40s all day, and that is unacceptable! I want some sun! Some warmth! Get it together & get with the times! I except some much warmer temperatures by this weekend so I can go swimming. Ai't? KICK
American Media: Are we seriously going to be getting Paris-updates every day she's in the big house? We don't care! And neither do you. Remember when the A.P ignored Paris for a week, and nobody noticed and/or cared? That means we don't want to hear about her every move/wardrobe choice/insipid utterance in daily-update form just because she's an idiot and landed herself in prison. In fact, if we never heard anything about her again, we'd lay at your feet and kiss your ink stained toes. So have some dignity, for crying out loud! She's not interesting & does nothing noteworthy with her life. Just quit her, cold turkey. Nobody will feel the loss.

People who take board games way too seriously: You know who you are. You're the folks who ruin good, innocent, family time fun for everybody. You take a simple game of Cranium, Taboo, or, God forbid, Uncle Wiggly and turn it into a bloodthirsty grudge match. It's just not necessary. Take that misplaced anger and use it for good. Like ignoring Paris Hilton with all your might. KICK

Man, we're exhausted. That's all we have in us for today. Tune in next week, and if, in your adventures & daily treading, you come across somebody who needs some kickin', let us know. We'll be happy take care of that for you. And if not, at least leave us some flippin' comments! We know who you are! We know you read this! We need validation, dang it!! KICK
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
My, Aren't You Dashing!
James Hugh Callum Laurie: That's right, Dr. House has four, count 'em four names. That ups his dashing quotient at least 400 points. As if he needed it. With one name or ten, this talented, educated, witty, tall, gorgeous, blue-eyed...sorry, lost our train of thought. Just look at the picture!

Cate Blanchett: Even with pointy ears, this lady is gorgeous and refined. It's no coincidence that she's played the pinnacle of all dashing ladies past and present: Ms. Katharine Hepburn.

Monday, June 4, 2007
Out of Order
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Healthy Snacks, Healthy Snacks!

The answer is simple, really. People are dumb. That's our motto. And we found that it has helped us understand anything and everything about the sometimes strange people of this world who do stuff like this. It also takes the stress and funk out of life that result from attempting to make sense out of what the citizens of the world do with their time. And money. Anways, dumb people like bozo here are out there putting ridiculous things in their bodies, or not putting enough important things in them. Dumb.
Look, here's the deal. Here's our "secret" to being "healthy" and stayling "alive."
Carbs are good. You need them to live.
Also calories. Your body uses those to make your heart pump and your eyes blink.
Fat? That also keeps you from dying. It's only in excess that they're bad.
And use some sense. And have some dark chocolate. It's got antioxidants.
That's it. That's the namamurgs lifestyle diet in a nutshell. Follow it, and like us, you'll live to be a bitter, crochety 100 year-old hag. And we'll be there to blog for you.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Kick in the Pants Day
A good, ol'e swift kick in the pants!

Nama, pull yourself together, man! You're not getting anywhere with an attitude like that! It's not all about you, and the world would appreciate it if you cleaned/painted your toenails every once in a while. KICK
Murgs, simmer down now! Life isn't so rough & your dog/boyfriend love you! What more could you want? Are you the little engine that could or just wouldn't? Yeah, that's what I thought. KICK
And now, onto more much needed kicks to those most in need:
Freebirthers. How selfish, ignorant, and irresponsible can you be? I can understand foregoing medication and/or doing the midwife thing, but giving birth to your completely helpless and vulnerable child by yourself at home? Think about that baby! Modern medicine is a good thing and shouldn't be hated on. It's meant to save lives, not to lord over you because they think women aren't "'intellectually capable of making their own decisions when it comes to birth.'" Please. Yes, women have been giving birth for thousands and thousands of years, but you do realize that the infant mortality rate in the "Western-civilized" world has significantly dropped thanks to modern medicine, right? Giving birth is, in fact, a very dangerous biological act, despite what you have convinced yourself otherwise. Yes, our bodies are made to give birth, but, at the same time, a woman's body is literally brought to the brink of death when she gives birth. While a majority of the time, that miraculous event occurs without any crises, when something does go wrong, it has the awesome capability of going horribly wrong. Why the heck would you go through this process alone without trained doctors or midwives who will know what to do to keep you & that innocent and helpless life you're bringing into the world that's totally dependent on you alive and well? The birthing process isn't about you. It's about bringing a new life into the world safely that you have created. And we think it's idiotic and irresponsible to ignorantly fall into this apparent freebirthing "trend" based on fear of medical establishment and the unfounded ideas that the Western world "have for years been 'taking something that's natural and making it into a disease.'" Think about it & stop yourself from running with such extreme & fear-based statements before you make huge decisions that not only affect you, but the fragile life you are bringing into the world. KICK
Rosie. Just stop it. Stop raising heck, kicking up dirt, & finding ways to get offended. Get over yourself. We're sure over you. We don't care anymore. So just stop it. KICK
Bono. You self-important jackass. Technically, you're probably a positive force in the universe since you've introduced a lot of self-involved, lazy Americans to the idea of charity. But do you have to be so freaking smug about it? Plus, you're a total hypocrite! That's right, America, click the link if you don't believe me! KICK
Rupert Murdoch. Type "Rupert Murdoch is evil" into Google and you get about 465,000 results. When people talk about "the Man" they're referring to this guy and his terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad, far-right media empire. The guy is a force of nature and must be stopped - by a kick in the dern pants. KICK
Paris Hilton. For reasons too numerous to mention, we would like to kick you in the pants over and over and over again. KICK
An Open Letter to Lindsay Lohan
The three of us have a long and storied past that starts with the adorably freckled The Parent Trap and ends with the ridiculous business of the past weekend. Every time we see that video of you hustling away from your wrecked car, black sweatsuit all a-jiggle, ginger hair flying recklessly behind you, we shed one tiny tear a piece. But it adds up, LiLo. That video has been aired a lot.
We don't like to see you this way, Lindsay. What has happened to you, and furthermore, what's to become of you? Rehab doesn't look like it's going to do the job. So we've got a different option for you. Adoption. By us. Via Oprah. It's a winning idea all around, and we think you'll agree once you hear our plans for you.
We'll start off every morning with a good swift kick in the pants. I know it sounds harsh, Linds, but it's the foundation of our program, and it's been proven effective time and again. Next up, a healthy breakfast of actual, solid food, followed by some mild but invigorating exercise and some yoga to help center that wild chi of yours that needs taming. From 11ish, to oh, say about 12:30, you'll be reading from a list of books that we've tailored especially to your needs. We've started it off easy with some Cam Jansen and Sweet Valley High titles, but you'll soon graduate to Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, possibly a little Gloria Steinem or The Feminine Mystique if you're feeling up to it. Then you will plop your freckled fanny in front of the TV where you'll watch a selection of films starring the likes of Katharine Hepburn, Meryl Streep, Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, Ava Gardner, and Kate Winslet (just to name a few) so you can see how strong, intelligent women with gumption comport themselves. After that, there will be a light lunch, more reading, a hearty dinner and Oprah time, where you will chat with the two of us and your new grandmother, review what you've learned, and center yourself for a new day. Then it's off to bed with you, you little scamp, by 9 pm and no later.
As time goes by and your deportment improves, you will gradually earn back your shopping, spa, and smoothie privileges. But drinking, partying, and snorting coke off of Benicio Del Toro's bare chest are right off. Never again, Lindsay, and we mean it. As your new parents, we care about you, your career and your happiness. Somebody needs to, are we are really, able (with the help of our newly adopted mother Oprah), and willing to take on that responsibly and take it seriously. (You hear us, Dina! That's what being a parent is all about. You can come & learn from us, but not with little Lindsay around. You'll be too tempted to steal her clubbing clothes we threw out, call Benicio, & smuggle Lindsay out for just one night of fun. Not under our watch, lady.)
So be ready, LiLo. When you get checked out of rehab, which we will be doing, we'll fly you to one of seven Oprah homes & start our kick-in-the-pants regimen to help you get back on track and stop ruining your life like Drew Barrymore did. Trust us, you'll be thanking us in the end when you're a good, respectable and contributing woman of society who little Dakota Fanning or Abigail Breslin will look up to and want to become.
We're watching you kid,
Nama & Murgs
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Honk! It Jim Carrey Birtday!

It all started with the message that is now the title of this blog. When were were probably 14ish, we made a sign that said this exact phrase, misspellings, bad grammar, & all (honestly, it was a mistake) & stood out on the main street next to our suburban neighborhood for at least an hour or so. I think we counted about 5 honks, including one from a truck that was painted to look like a cow. Of course, this was Mesquite where people in cow trucks will honk at anything. Anyway, being young and dumb (and in the case of Murgs, inexplicably smitten with Jim Carrey), we were excited by the attention and proud of our handiwork. It was a good day.
You'd think that our starry-eyed obsession with the birthday's of people we had never met would have waned, but that is not the case. It was probably Junior year or so when Murgs converted a tie-dyed t-shirt into a Sharpied tribute to the Bobster on his birthday and wore it to school. Murgs would even wear it when it wasn't his birthday & just stick a sign that said "not" in between "It's" and "Bob." It was a small gesture, but Murgs risked ridicule to do it, so Bob, if you're out there, we hope you freaking appreciate it.
Don't Go West
In this case, the answer is obvious. This woman lived west of Fort Worth. You should never, ever under any circumstances travel west of Fort

So in light of this, Nama and Murgs would like to thank our own sainted mothers for raising us up so dern good in spite of all the terrors that infect Texas. And for giving us the courage and support to get the hell out. Thanks Moms!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Good & the Bad of Lean Cuisine

Ahem. Our point being that our working-girl lunch-hours pass quickly & stressfully. So what is our preferred choice of lunch? Lean Cuisine meals. They're not too expensive & some of them are quite tasty! They are a smaller portion, and sometimes we are left hungry an hour after lunch. However, sometimes they hit the spot. But most of the time, it's just what we have to eat. And like. Here's our list of great Lean Cuisine meals, so-so dishes, & flat-out wouldn't-touch-it-with-a-plastic-spatula creations:
So good! Your taste buds won't know what hit them:
- Any of the pizzas, especially the Margherita Pizza.
- Most of their Italian dishes are pretty darn great, like the Cheese Lasagna Florentine Bake.
- The classic Macaroni & Cheese. It's delicious!
- Roasted Potatoes, Broccoli, and Cheddar Cheese Sauce. It's lighter & won't keep you from going hungry all afternoon, but it's still quite yummy.
- Three Cheese Stuffed Rigatoni...there's nothing to be said of it's greatness. Just eat it & be delighted.
- Most of the chicken dishes are pretty safe, and even delicious, like the Grilled Chicken Primavera and the Chicken Carbonara. To. Die. For.
Eh. They'll do the job:
- The Chicken Fettucini is ai't. It kind of tastes diety, if you know what I mean.
- The Asian food collection is also a little iffy. Sometimes it just isn't enough (Vegetable Eggroll) and a little under flavored, or it's just way too overpowering for the small portion sizes (Chicken in Peanut Sauce)
- Their panini selection has potential, but falls a bit short. While they do taste yummy, like the Southwest-style Chicken Panini, their new-fangled, space-age grilling mechanism it comes with is suppose to grill the panini in the microwave, and it lies. They would taste better actually grilled, but instead are a little soft & flimsy.
Don't even think about it, unless you're planning on using that cyanide capsule you've kept around in case of emergencies:
- Chicken with Almonds. This falls under the too-much-Asian-Flavor found above, but really goes overboard to the point of nastiness.
- Anything with beef in it. The worst culprits are the Salisbury Steak and the Spaghetti and Meatballs. Remember that iron-y tasting stuff they slopped onto your tray in elementary school? It's like that.
An Open Letter to Oprah Winfrey
We bet you're surprised to hear from us Oprah. We've had our differences in the past. There was that little James Frey mishap, that whole Dr. Phil period, and the fact that you opened a school in Africa instead of helping kids out on the South Side of your own city of residence. But, Oprah, darling, we've been considering you, your warm heart, your soft, downy arms, and your massive, massive wealth, and we've decided to let bygones be bygones. We only have one condition. You have to adopt us.
Now Oprah, we are not dumb. We know you get heart breaking supplications on a regular basis, but this will be of great benefit, not just to us, but to you, as well. And don't worry. We're not talking about some trendy, law-bending foreign adoption, a la Madonna or Angelina. We're offering our all-American, whip-smart, responsible adult services to you. Think about it, Oprah. You have seven houses. Seven! You can't even in your most omniscient state occupy them all at once, even with the help of Stedman & Gail. We would be more than happy to house-sit them for you and make sure the food in those well stocked fridges doesn't go bad. We can even take some of that pesky money off your hands. Make no mistake. We're not greedy. We just have the common needs of a pleb. Credit card needs, student debt needs, and, occasionally, gold-plated toilet needs.
Oprah, if you're still not convinced, we'll sweeten the deal. Nama and Murgs humbly offer you their immortal souls to do with as you please. And while Murgs' is a little battered and overly-handled, Nama's is as pristine as an angel's toenail, perfect for cushioning your head while you sleep or for removing stubborn eye makeup. It's a once in a lifetime deal, Oprah. We hope you'll consider it.
With love,
Nama & Murgs
Monday, May 21, 2007
Reunion 2011

What: NMHS Class of 2001 10-Year Reunion
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Vote Dempublican
You also need to choose someone who's name will flow with the candidates'; for example: Kerry/Edwards. Nice ring, short & sweet, perfect! Perot/Stockdale? It's too much of a mouthful, there's no flow, and the public will not remember them. Ok, maybe they remember Perot with the ears and the crazy, but Stockdale? Who the fuss is that? Perot should have run with Rocky Balboa. Perot/Balboa. That has a ring to it! It's also a solid ticket, even if the Vice Presidential candidate is fictional.
Now, our concern this turn of elections is for the democratic candidate, Barack Obama. Obama? His team really needs to find somebody that has a good, not as strong, by strong still, name that will flow with Obama. I'm sure they're perplexed and currently working day & night to find a perfect match. Much of his fate hangs on this decision, we believe.
Well, his team need look no further, for we have a brilliant solution! We would like to announce that our very own Nama, of Nama & Murgs, will be campaigning on little more than Goldfish crackers & bubble wrap to take her rightful place as Barack's 2008 running mate:
Obama/Nama 2008!
It's ingenious! So, please, help spread the word. Your country needs you.
Rest in Pieces

- Dick Van Dyke
- Bo Diddley
- Rip Torn
- Herry Kissinger
- Doris Day
- Harper Lee
- J.D. Salinger
- Larry McMurtry
- Paul Newman
- Chuck Berry
- Buddy Guy
People we are suprised to hear are still alive as they seem to defy death, sometimes on a regular basis:
- Shannon Malloy
- Dick Clark
- Keith Richards
- Cher
- Linday Lohan
- Danielle Steel
- Suzanne Summers
Borderline: people we sometimes/almost think they are dead/probably should be dead, but are not yet:
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Regis Philban
- Maggie Smith
- David Letterman
- Bob Dylan
- Sally Field
- Goldie Hawn
- Tony Little
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The fool

- "Oh, I'm not here with these fellas. I've got a pig in competition over at the livestock pavillion and I am gonna win that blue ribbon."
- "Hey, that's oh-NEH-ders."
- "There he goes off to his room to write the hit song "Alone in my principles."
He's also the inspirer of girlish crushes. Seriously, who did you find yourself more attracted to? The bass player? Come on! Nobody cares about the bass players and they're never cute, unless you count Paul McCartney, who is definitely the exception to the rule. It's all about Lenny and his guitar. Ah, Lenny. Whither Steve Zahn? And more importantly, whither his adorableness? Here's to you, my Erie, PA friend.
That's...not hot.